Decolonizing rationality


(Adding more thoughts to this thread.)


From the thread: [Cultural contexts] give different frames of being. Kuhn would call them completely different paradigms with their own logics. [Which is] particularly important since within the framework itself are value judgements of what is pertinent and western (ie white) rationalism is the dominant mode because it oppresses and delegitimizes.


“That doesn’t/shouldn’t matter” is part of the structural oppression embedded within a framework that prefers the theory of those within a community of knowledge (note that being able to join and be in the community itself is a privilege) over the very real experiences of those in marginalized communities who are have real experiences of the world imposing limits on them while delegitimizing very real experiences of people who getting locked out of that system. And while doing that, the system rewrites its own history—and the history of others—to cast itself as the hero1.


All this together results in a system that is dominant not because of its superior methods and record of liberation—which is the story it tells itself about itself—but because it has power and is constantly oppressing and delegitimizing others rather than create cross-cultural understanding even though it says that’s what it cherishes.